At the core of stories is the power of communication - relatable, yet sophisticated and nuanced. As children, they are our gateway to significance and making sense of the intricacies of the real world. They present us with problems and the ways in which they are dealt with by the protagonists. Painting is another methodology of communication. The story is presented as an image and the observer is invited to interpret its message.
What happens between the eye and the subject is what intrigues me; the contrast and debate of opinion surrounding both urban and rural landscapes. The resulting compositions are drawn from abstract and figurative elements incorporating actual subject matter based on the source image and my own artistic interpretations.
Within myself, there are two creative paths; the architect, and the artist. The architect, who investigates the cultural needs of a community, dwells in the more practical application of spatial awareness and construction, thereby designing a sense of place that perceives what will suit the user. The artist, however, looks to de-construct the reality of an image or place. The brush becomes the tool to suggest depth and movement of spatial qualities within a two-dimensional plane to inform the observer of his prerogative and perceptions.
I look to become a story-teller of these places, but it is the observer’s interpretation of the story that most intriguing.