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29th January 2014 // Sketching New Ideas

After my travelling experiences this recent summer and other investigating new directions to take my compositions, I have started sketching a few new ideas for either editing a single source image or combining several ideas into one composing idea. The disparate division between our cultures and foreign ones have been particularly at the forefront of driving these new ideas. I hope to get some of them painted soon!

Meanwhile, I have also started delving back in to the world of portraiture yet diverting to a more abstract form of deconstructing the human condition to its most basic and investigating those attitudes within a social collective and their surrounding environment. This has involved a study on the eye, a fascinating organ of the body that provides so much insight and beauty to a person and is perhaps one of the most identifying aspects of an individual. Running alongside this is the study of the human form and figure at an extremely basic level as it is the interactions of this form that intrigues me.


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