It investigates the tension between planning and happen-stance; the semblance of order undone by schematic chaos. Mankind is driven by an unshakeable faith in progress, where modern technology and constant growth leads us to a better world. My work explores a different outcome, where the automated forces unleashed develop structures and minds of their own.
(Tellegen, 2012)
Boris Tellegen’s work introduces a translation from canvas to a built reality. Originating as a graffiti artist, Tellegen also demonstrates a design shift from the 2D street art to a conglomeration of wasted fragments that is evocatively sculptural.
Tellegen’s process involves taking a room covered in construction materials and transforms them into cohesive pieces of a mish mash of textures and geometric shapes. The small permeations help to illuminate layers within the structure.
A deconstruction and reconstruction process involves a lot of waste, often in irregular shapes. How Tellegen uses this to his advantage is provocatively fascinating. It offers an inspiration to creating a frame where the fragments are layered to create panels of varying scales which can accommodate the desired function.