As I have now started my Masters Architecture course, I thought I might share what I am currently doing. The module of Research-Led Design has allowed me to fully explore what I love doing: Painting, Photography and experimenting into filmmaking. This all concerns the idea of architectural design process and representation - Ive inserted my research focus synopsis below, enjoy!"
According to Ernst Gombrich, “A picture shows more than can be said...invoke the intentions of the painter, photographer or whoever it was that acted in such a way as to generate the visual representation who’s subject we are canvassing” (1972, p109). The following literature focuses on this concept of perception and applications of representation in architecture.
Thus, this research will explore and critique the study of other creative disciplines to investigate how the producers utilise their respective mediums of Paper (the architect’s medium), Canvas (the artist’s medium) and Lens (the filmmakers medium)to portray their narrative. The research will investigate these mechanisms and what possible interventions and collaborations could impact upon the practice of architecture to better equip architects for discovery about a place, the design process, and the representation and communication of ideas.
It is proposed that the design research will present the opportunity to practice and experiment with these mediums to gauge their effectiveness within the design process. Further expansion will lead to testing of not only these mediums singularly, but also through interdisciplinary means to discover if collaboration of different techniques can be more successful.
Encapsulating this context of representation and perception of place will be the ideology of the wasteland; the decaying structures and liminal spaces. Perhaps some of the more reaction-provoking spaces, the wasteland contains a powerful sense of past human activity, but offers multitude of future possibilities.