I still feel like there is unfinished business from my masters; not architecturally speaking, but concepts and theme. The ideology I adapted concerning homo ludens for my project, where societal reform and culture is based around play as opposed to homo sapien (man the thinker) and homo faber (man the maker) feels untapped. I keep finding myself drawn to playscapes, where a relatively simple, yet abstract landscape is brought to life through colour and expression.
Homo Ludens, man as player, as opposite to Homo Sapien (man as thinker) and Homo Faber (man as maker) suggests an evolution of community and aspects in life such as language, law, knowing, philosophy, art and war amongst other things through characteristics of play. At first site, play is direct opposite to seriousness, but games, sports even, are played with profound competitiveness but without losing its essence - fun. I is precisely this fun element that characterises the essence of play. Play extends beyond spheres of human life Play is a thing itself, a voluntary experience; a child plays in complete earnest at an instinctual level.
New ideas are formed from a continuation of images and collages produced within my Park Fiction thesis revolving around playscapes - collages are being prepared and sketches formed - I look forward to starting up again with the paint!
As Huizinga states (1938, p217) playing with nature becomes the starting point of all order and social institutions